
Weekly Programs for December, 2024
Dec. 3, 2024 - Annual Holiday Dinner Meeting! 
Join us at Ruggero's Restaurant for an evening of fellowship, dinner and entertainment. Reservations are now closed but president Stephanie has reserved a few extra spots. If you didn't register, please contact her.
In addition to the fun and food, this will serve as the club's official Annual Meeting where we will elect the 2025-26 club officers.
Please bring an unwrapped toy to donate to Toys For Tots
Dec. 10, 2024 - History of Koerts Glass and Flint
Willian "Bill" Churchill Jr.,
Manager, Flint Glass Service
Us old-timers in the Flint area remember the Koerts Glass Co. on Dort Hwy. Founded by Al Koerts, an active community leader and fellow Rotarian, it was reorganized in 2007 by our speaker to become Flint Glass Services.
Bill has been in the glass business for 48 years and his talk will include history of the glass business as well as how local businesses continue to be part of the backbone of our community
Dec. 17, 2024 - Drones as First Responders
Matt Rybar, VP Remote Ops
Unmanned Vehicle Technologies (UVT)
Unmanned vehicles, better know as drones, have become an integral part of the infrastructure and used for everything from surveying to package delivery. Matt will talk about his company's work to use drones and other robotic devices as tools for helping with public services such as police and fire departments.
Matt, an engineer and former Kent County police officer, brings a wide ranging knowledge of how modern technology ca serve to make us safer.
There will be no meeting Dec. 24th, Christmas Eve

Click on the links below for an upcoming event to find out when and where it will be held.

Upcoming Events
Food Bank Volunteering
Food Bank of Eastern Michigan
Feb. 04, 2025
5:30 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.
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