Every night in our community and in many others around the country, children are sleeping on floors because their parents cannot afford beds. SMH, using volunteer labor and donated materials is working to help meet the never ending need for beds.
Our speakers will be here to tell us how the Genesee County area chapter works and how we Rotarians can get involved.
Each month during the school year the club honors two students from each of three high schools in the area, Carman-Ainsworth, Swartz Creek and Powers Catholic. To accommodate each school's health policies, we will be honoring students either via Zoom or in person this year.
At the end of the year one previous honoree from each school will be selected for Student of the Year and will be awarded a $1,000 scholarship.
Apr. 23, 2024
Speaker to be Announced
50/50 Drawing Update
Each week the club holds a 50/50 drawing with proceeds going to our literacy project fund. Tickets are $1.00 each, 3 for $2.00. Three tickets from that week's donations are drawn and, in turn, each drawn ticket holder gets to select a card from an ever shrinking deck hoping to get the designated card and win the pot. Losing cards are discarded, the deck gets smaller and if no one wins the pot that week, it is rolled over to the next drawing.
After the Meeting of Mar 26th...
The pot is $41, 37 cards left in the deck.
The Hunt for the Ace of Hearts Continues!
Did You Know?
Click on the link below for any upcoming event and you can find out when it is, where it is including a roadmap and who to contact about it!